Sahet Fann – Performing Arts Market
“Sahet Fann” (Arts Arena(is a marketplace for performing arts that includes many organizations and arts groups who provide services, products related to the performing arts, by publicizing and promoting themselves in various ways in the arena.
Your presence will put a corner-stone for future potentiality, where we will be able to share and discuss with you; how to build creative strategies to overcome the current challenges that are facing the performing arts practices, considering them as a part of the Creative Economy. We believe that every one of us has a huge cross-spaces of common interest in Arts and Culture. Accordingly, we are expecting that you will be able to share your vision with us and to put your hand with ours on how all of us can be ready to overcome those challenges for a better future, where we live in an era of complexities and conflicts. All of these require us all to explore and invest all possible spaces for understandings, cooperation, and partnerships, in order to contribute to developing the resilience of our communities in the shadow of the rapid successive variables.